full transcript

From the Ted Talk by D-L Stewart: Scenes from a Black trans life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

As you just haerd, my name is D-L Stewart, and I'm a faculty member here on cupams at Colorado satte University. But what's most important for you to understand about me right now is that I iednifty as both Black and as transgender, or trans. And yes, I'm going to talk to you today about how Black trans lives matetr. As I do so, I'm going to share a few scenes from my own life, mixed in with the ways that race and gender have historically and currently intersected to shape the lives of Black trans people. Ready?

Open Cloze

As you just _____, my name is D-L Stewart, and I'm a faculty member here on ______ at Colorado _____ University. But what's most important for you to understand about me right now is that I ________ as both Black and as transgender, or trans. And yes, I'm going to talk to you today about how Black trans lives ______. As I do so, I'm going to share a few scenes from my own life, mixed in with the ways that race and gender have historically and currently intersected to shape the lives of Black trans people. Ready?


  1. campus
  2. heard
  3. matter
  4. state
  5. identify

Original Text

As you just heard, my name is D-L Stewart, and I'm a faculty member here on campus at Colorado State University. But what's most important for you to understand about me right now is that I identify as both Black and as transgender, or trans. And yes, I'm going to talk to you today about how Black trans lives matter. As I do so, I'm going to share a few scenes from my own life, mixed in with the ways that race and gender have historically and currently intersected to shape the lives of Black trans people. Ready?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
black trans 21
trans lives 14
lives matter 7
trans people 4
body measurements 3
sovereign country 2
gender presentation 2
black woman 2
black bodies 2
social threat 2
angry black 2
body cavities 2
transformative loudly 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
black trans lives 13
trans lives matter 7
black trans people 3

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
black trans lives matter 7

Important Words

  1. black
  2. campus
  3. colorado
  4. faculty
  5. gender
  6. heard
  7. historically
  8. identify
  9. important
  10. intersected
  11. life
  12. lives
  13. matter
  14. member
  15. mixed
  16. people
  17. race
  18. ready
  19. scenes
  20. shape
  21. share
  22. state
  23. stewart
  24. talk
  25. today
  26. trans
  27. transgender
  28. understand
  29. university
  30. ways